Here stands one of the mighty Petronas Towers, the tallest buildings in the
world - unless you're from Chicago. Apparently the building part of the
Sears Tower rises higher, but the pointy thing on top of the Petronas tower
is higher than the highest pointy thing on the top of the Sears Tower's
original construction. Confusing? You bet. The important thing is that it's
a very tall building.
When I visited Kuala Lumpur in summer 1998, construction was going on
around the clock all over the city. In other Southeast Asian capitals, the
economic crisis had silenced the jackhammers and stilled the cranes. But in
KL, something - either optimism or naïveté - kept them hard at
It had been four years since I last visited the city, before these towers
had been built. That visit had only lasted a few days, but I fell in love
with the easy wit of its people, its stimulating diversity of culture (and
food!), and the intense mixture of old and new. When I came back, I was a little
disoriented by all the new towers and elevated trains, and for a time I
worried that my favorite haunts had been paved over. But as I wandered the
streets in the days to come, I found them all, one-by-one, and it seemed to
me they'd managed to save all the good parts despite their rush to
modernize. I hope I can say the same thing next time I return.
2001 addendum - Well, it's begun. My favorite cluster of food
stalls (opposite Pudu Raya) has been turned into a parking lot. And the
quirky old train station is getting decommissioned in favor of a giant box
no longer in walking distance of downtown. And the new airport is absurdly
situated, hours from the city. Nevertheless the city still tops my list of
favorite urban places. The food and the humor and the contrasts remain, I
was relieved to see.