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Single file, please
(Guatemala: Panajachel)

May 2003
Guatemala: Panajachel: Single file, please

Here's one of those things I just don't understand: This crossing is packed with people all the time. Because it's so narrow, and people are going in both directions, there's a lot of waiting involved. Often some folks will get impatient and start crossing against the stream, causing in a log-jam in the middle which inevitably results in wet feet for someone.

Now the part I don't understand: It's in the middle of a field of rocks. It's about 4 meters across. It would take someone ten minutes - no longer than people sometimes have to wait to get across - to build another lane, solving the problem once and for all. In fact, there's one started, but it only goes about a third of the way across. If I hadn't been carrying a camera I would have done it myself.

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