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39 photos from 2004. Click on any of the small images to enlarge.



Tiananmen Square crowd control Outside the Forbidden City at dusk The Great Wall fading into the mist Guardpost along the Great Wall
More Great Wall Almost the last Great Wall photo Great Wall at sunset Hutong checkers
Northwest corner of the Forbidden City Moonlight dancing Meats on sticks Shopping district
Getting the daily news En el barrio Alley dining Tiananmen Gate
Residential side streets And they're off!

Sichuan Province

Happy panda Young panda hanging out Pengzhou market Shopping with grandpa
Showing off the baby Mahjong in the park A star is born Farm shed
Mountain park Precarious walkway Resting spot Air-drying the corn
Singing in the National Day Rural schoolkids Streetside shoe repair Noodles out to dry
Showing off her big bubble Temple courtyard Sichuan hot pot Chengdu tea garden
Modern Chengdu

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